Adding and managing users

Only Admins and Owners can add, update, and deactivate users. It’s best practice to grant Admin privileges to more than one ChartMogul user.

ChartMogul offers five user roles: Lite, Read-only, Staff, Admin, and Owner. Learn more about the permissions granted to each role.

Follow a tutorial for adding a user:

Here's what we cover in this article:

Managing users

View and manage users by navigating to Settings & Data > Admin > Users.

There, you’ll find the Users table with the following details:

  • Name — The user’s name.
  • Email — The user’s account email address.
  • User Role — The user’s role.
  • 2FA — The user’s two-factor authentication status, either On or Off. Learn more about two-factor authentication.
  • CRM Seats — The user’s seat status, either On or Off. Learn more about managing CRM seats.

Screenshot of the Users page with the Active tab open.


To add a user, select Invite Users. Next, enter the user's name and email address, select a role, and click SEND INVITES.


Downgrading a user’s role may impact their API keys. Read more.

To update a user's role or notification settings, select the user you would like to update, and select the user's new role. Lastly, click UPDATE.


To deactivate a user, click the Deactivate User   icon. Click OK to confirm the deactivation.

Screenshot highlighting the location of the user deactivation icon.

ChartMogul adds the user to the Deactivated tab and logs them out immediately.

Screenshot of the Users page with the Deactivated tab open.

ChartMogul retains the following data:

ChartMogul makes the following changes when a user is deactivated:

To anonymize deactivated users in your ChartMogul account, locate the user in the Deactivated table. Select the user to edit their details. Update the user’s name and email, and click Update.


When a user is reactivated, ChartMogul does not restore their API keys, notification settings, personal saved charts, customer lists, or opportunity lists. Learn more.

To reactivate a user, navigate to the Deactivated tab and click Reactivate. Click OK to confirm the reactivation.

Screenshot the Deactivated tab highlighting the location of the Reactivate option.

ChartMogul will send an email inviting the user to join your company’s account.

Changing the ownership of your ChartMogul account

Owners can transfer ownership of the account to any other Admin by navigating to Users and clicking Make Owner in the Users table.

Next Step

Add an extra layer of account security by requiring users to set up two-factor authentication (2FA).

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