Segmentation helps you gain deeper insights into your data to measure, understand and grow your SaaS business.
Users can use segmentation in ChartMogul to analyze data without needing a background in business intelligence (BI), SQL knowledge or direct access to data.
Watch a video about using segmentation in ChartMogul:
Here’s what we cover in this article:
Resources and further reading:
Blog Introducing Segmentation in ChartMogul
Blog SaaS Metrics Refresher #9: Segmentation
Blog Using Deep Customer Segmentation in SaaS
Blog Find out which animal(s) you’re hunting
Before you begin
Segmentation uses filtering to group customers for analysis. Learn how to work with filters in ChartMogul.
How segmentation is useful
Segmentation is vital to growth because it allows for deeper insights than high-level metrics. For example, the insights you gain from analyzing Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) by marketing channel are likely to be more actionable than LTV for all your subscriptions.
Segmentation helps you answer questions about your customers, such as:
- Which industry segment generates the highest value customers?
- Which type of customer is most likely to churn?
- In which regions is MRR growing the fastest?
Working with segments
Segments are groups of customers you define that are meaningful to your business and depend on the questions you’re interested in answering.
Creating a segment
To create a segment:
- Add one or more filters to your dashboard, chart, map, cohort analysis, forecast or customer list.
- Click Save Segment.
- Name your segment and click Save.
For example, to create a segment of customers who signed up in the first half of 2024 and have an MRR of $500 or less:
- Click the Apply a filter or saved segment button.
- Select Subscriber since from the drop-down, the is within operator, set a date range of 2024-01-01 to 2024-06-30 and click Add.
Next, click Add Filter to add a second filter. Select Current MRR and is less than or equal to, type 500 in the field and click Add.
Adding a filter enables the Save Segment option.
Click Save Segment, enter a name for the new segment (e.g., Subscribers < $500 Q1-Q2 2024) and click Save.
Selecting a segment
Select a segment you’ve previously saved by clicking the Apply a filter or saved segment button and switching to the Saved Segments tab.
The tab shows the segments you’ve previously saved along with several example segments.
ChartMogul applies the segment you select to your analysis. If you have a larger dataset, it may take a moment for ChartMogul to update the dashboard, chart, map, cohort analysis, forecast or customer list you’re working with.
Tip: Mouse over a segment to preview the filters inside it.
Editing segments
After selecting a segment, click the Edit segment icon to adjust the filters you previously defined. Then, click Save Changes to apply your edits or Reverse Changes to undo them.
Comparing segments
To compare segments, use the Apply a filter or saved segment drop-down to add new filters or select saved segments.
Let’s say you want to compare customers with MRR greater than $500 to those with an MRR of $500 or less. In the chart, we see that, toward the end of the period, most MRR comes from accounts with more than $500 in MRR.
Stacking segments
Stacking segments helps you visualize the combined contribution of multiple segments, which allows you to see how a larger total is made up of smaller parts.
To stack segments:
- Find a chart in ChartMogul you’d like to work with, such as MRR.
- Next, select or add two or more segments to your chart.
- Now, click the Stack icon. (This option becomes available once you’ve added at least two segments to the chart and the Compare Segments icon has been selected.)
- Click the 100% Stack icon to show a 100% stacked chart. You can activate this switch without clicking the Stack icon first.
- Change the graph type and interval to further adjust your chart.
Duplicating segments
Create a copy of a segment by clicking the Duplicate segment icon. Then, edit the segment as needed.
Reordering segments
Hold and drag the Reorder segment icon to change the order or position of a segment in your chart.
Closing segments
Remove a segment from your analysis by clicking the Close segment icon.
Deleting segments
To delete a segment you’ve previously saved, click the Apply a filter or saved segment button and switch to the Saved Segments tab. Find the segment and click the × icon next to its name. Confirm by clicking OK.
Using color labels with segments
Color makes it easier to compare segments visually. Assign a color by clicking the color tile next to the segment’s name and selecting a color.