Setting goals with targets

You’ll need to be an Admin or Owner in ChartMogul to manage targets. Read more about user roles and permissions.

Targets help your team to keep track of your business’ most important monthly, quarterly, or annual goals directly in ChartMogul.

Targets help you track goals such as:

  • $5 million ARR by the end of the year
  • 500 leads from a defined marketing channel in one quarter
  • $83,334 — the MRR needed to be a $1 million business

Follow a tutorial for setting targets:

Here’s what we cover in this article:

Before you begin

Creating a target

To create a target:

  1. Click Targets   from the navigation and then Add Target.
    Screenshot showing the location of the Targets menu with the Add Target button highlighted
  2. Select the Metric you want to track, enter your Target amount, define a Target period, and select a Segment (optional).
    Screenshot of the Set a Target dialog with options as described here
  3. Click Save to create your target.

Screencap showing the process of creating a target as described here

Select a target from the Targets   list to view its associated chart. See your current performance and understand how far you are from reaching your goal. Hover over the in-chart target icon to view your progress and the time left until your deadline.
Screenshot of the Annual Run Rate chart showing a tooltip with information about the target as described here

The in-chart target icon is red before you reach your goal. When a target is met, the icon is green.

Deleting a target 

To delete a target, navigate to Targets   and click the delete icon.

Screenshot highlighting the location of the delete icon in the Targets list

Viewing targets

There are two ways to view targets:

  1. Navigate to Targets   to view a list of current and past targets, including the percentage attained and time until the deadline (or a past deadline date). Hover over the values to display more details.
    Screencap of the user hovering over target values in the Targets list to display tooltips with details
  2. Navigate to a chart and click the Show Targets   icon to show any targets set for this metric.
    Screenshot of the Monthly Recurring Revenue chart with the location of the Show Targets icon highlighted

Targets are moved to Past Targets (located under your current targets) once the set time period is complete. This gives your team a look into historical targets, the time period they covered, and whether they were attained (or exceeded).
Screenshot of the Targets list with the location of the Past Targets section highlighted

Next Steps

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