We no longer sell licenses for Revenue Recognition.
Export revenue recognition chart data to a CSV file. This is useful to:
- Build tailored reports
- Keep a record outside of ChartMogul that can be stored with other accounting data
- Create a deferred revenue schedule for individual customers
To export, navigate to a Revenue Recognition chart and select one of the following options:
- Recognized Revenue — Export (CSV), Detailed Export (CSV)
- Revenue Waterfall — Export (CSV)
Learn more about each export type below.
Depending on the amount of data in your account, it may take some time to prepare your download.
Note: as we show separate revenue recognition data for each of the different currencies you have received payments in, you will need to export for each currency separately.
Export (CSV)
Exports a high-level summary. Includes the following columns:
- date — The reporting period
- ytd_revenue_amount — Revenue that has been recognized so far
- ytd_revenue_customer_count — Number of customers comprising the recognized revenue as of the reporting period
- accumulated_deferred_amount — Total amount that has been invoiced up to the end of this period, but will only be recognized after this period
- accumulated_deferred_customer_count — Number of customers comprising the deferred revenue as of the reporting period
- net_cash_flow_amount — Cash received from paid invoices, offset by refunds. Revenues from subscriptions, one-time and metered charges are all included. Credit card/transaction fees are not deducted.
- net_cash_flow_customer_count — Number of customers comprising the net cash flow as of the reporting period
- recognized_amount — Revenue that was or will be recognized during the period. Corresponds to the value of goods and services provided during that period.
- recognized_customer_count — Number of customers comprising the recognized amount as of the reporting period
- percentage_change — The growth (or change) vs the previous report interval on the graph.
Detailed Export (CSV)
Exports a detailed historical recognition schedule. This export includes the following columns:
- Customer Name — the name of the customer
- Customer ID — a unique customer ID
- Customer External ID — the external ID of customer
- Charge ID — the transaction ID
- Invoice ID — the invoice ID
- Charge Timestamp UTC — The UTC timestamp of the charge
- Charge Timestamp — The actual timestamp of the charge
- Invoice Timestamp UTC — The UTC timestamp of the invoice
- Invoice Timestamp - The actual timestamp of the invoice
- Payment / Refund — If the transaction is a payment or a refund
- Invoice Status — The status of the transaction, can be successful or failed
- Line Item ID — the transaction ID
- Line Item Name — Description of the line item transaction
- Line Item Type — The type of the transaction
- Service Period Start UTC — the UTC timestamp of the service period start date
- Service Period Start — the actual timestamp of the service period start date
- Service Period End UTC — the UTC timestamp of the service period end date
- Service Period End — the actual timestamp of the service period end date
- Line Item Value — the value of the line item
- Line Item Currency — the currency of the value
- Reporting Period — the reporting period the row belongs to
- Line Item Value in Reporting Period — the value of the line item in the current reporting period
- Recognition Status — The status of the item, can be recognized or deferred