Release Notes — 20 August 2021

New Features

  • No new features this week


  • Added a new invoice column status. This provides visibility over invoices that have been paid, written off, voided, or still waiting for payments.
  • Minor improvements to the application UI.


  • PayPal only Fixed a bug that caused some imports to get stuck when we hit the PayPal API limit.
  • App Store Connect only Backfilled missing July 8 transactions that caused ChartMogul to cancel active subscriptions. The missing transactions were caused by App Store Connect when they published incorrect daily subscriber reports last July 8.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Webhooks endpoints page not to have the ability to add new endpoints.
  • Fixed an issue with the plan filter where a customer switching from one plan to another and then back to the original one, could result in incorrect currency conversion.
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