Invoice line items play a key role in how ChartMogul Subscription Analytics processes recurring and non-recurring billing information and calculates MRR.
In this article, we explain how different invoice line item attributes impact your metrics in ChartMogul, as well as common scenarios for adding invoice line items to a custom source using data tables.
Here’s what we cover in this article:
Before you begin
Get an overview of importing data for subscription analytics.
Understanding invoice line item attributes
Here’s how different invoice line item attributes impact the way ChartMogul processes billing information and calculates MRR:
Attribute | Impact |
Amount | The amount billed for a subscription is the primary component used to calculate MRR. |
Balance Transfer | This attribute specifies whether the line item amount should be credited to or debited from the customer’s balance. Positive values represent credit added to the customer’s account. Negative values represent credit used as payment. This applies only to non-recurring line items. |
Discount Amount | ChartMogul assumes discounts have already been deducted from the specified Amount value. If Discount Amount is specified, it doesn’t impact MRR but enables a more detailed analysis. |
Event Order | This attribute controls the order in which line items are processed. If two line items have the same service period start date, the line item with the Event Order value of “1” is processed before the line item with the Event Order value of “2”. If this attribute is not set, ChartMogul processes the line items in the order they were created. |
Plan | With monthly plans, MRR is simply the subscription price paid each month. If customers are paying for plans in longer billing intervals (e.g. one year), ChartMogul divides the amount paid for the subscription by the number of months in the subscription period. |
Prorated? | You must explicitly identify prorated line items by setting this attribute to Yes. This way ChartMogul can accurately calculate their contribution to MRR. Learn more about adding prorated invoices. |
Proration Type | ChartMogul recognizes three proration types:
Quantity | Subscription quantity does not factor into the calculation of MRR but is used to generate the Subscription Quantity and Quantity Churn Rate charts. If not provided, Quantity defaults to 1. |
Tax Amount | Taxes must be excluded from MRR calculation. If specified, Tax Amount is used to deduct the tax before calculating MRR. |
Transaction Fees | By default, transaction fees are not deducted from MRR. For custom sources, you can control this behavior with the Transaction fee handling setting. |
Type | Only line items categorized as Subscription contribute to MRR calculation. Non-recurring (one-time) payments are excluded from MRR. |
Basic scenarios
This section outlines some basic scenarios that involve adding invoice line items using a custom source.
You’ll need to be an Admin or Owner in ChartMogul to add and manage sources. Read more about user roles and permissions.
Subscribing a customer to a monthly plan
- Your customer Wayne Enterprises buys a license of your monthly Bronze plan, starting from January 1, 2023.
- Your monthly Bronze plan is $100.
Add the following details as an invoice line item:
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400001 (Wayne Enterprises) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $100 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_01 |
Service Period Start | 2023-01-01 |
Service Period End | 2023-02-01 |
Prorated? | No |
Plan | JL BronzeMonthly (jlbronzemonthly) |
- MRR = $100
Subscribing a customer to an annual plan
- Your customer Daily Metropolis buys an annual Bronze plan starting from December 1, 2023.
- Your annual Bronze plan is $1050, which includes a tax of $50.
- The customer is offered a discount of $200 on the total purchase amount.
- The transaction fee is $40.
Add the following details as an invoice line item:
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400002 (Daily Metropolis) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $850 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_02 |
Service Period Start | 2023-03-01 |
Service Period End | 2024-03-01 |
Prorated? | No |
Plan | JL Bronze Annual (jlbronzeannual) |
Transaction Fees | $40 |
Tax Amount | $50 |
Discount Amount | $200 |
MRR is calculated using the following formula:
- MRR = (Amount charged − Tax amount) / Plan duration in months
- MRR = ($850 − $50) / 12 = $66.67
Renewing an existing subscription
Ensure the Subscription ID does not change during a renewal.
- Your customer Wayne Enterprises is currently on a monthly Bronze plan with a charge of $100 per month, starting on January 1, 2023.
- At the start of the new month, on February 1, the customer renews their existing subscription.
Add the following details as an invoice line item:
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400004 (Wayne Enterprises) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $100 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_01 |
Service Period Start | 2023-02-01 |
Service Period End | 2023-03-01 |
Prorated? | No |
Plan | JL Bronze Monthly (jlbronzemonthly) |
- MRR remains $100.
Advanced scenarios
This section outlines more advanced scenarios that involve adding invoice line items using a custom source.
Switching plans (non-prorated)
- Your customer Wayne Enterprises is currently on a monthly Bronze plan with a charge of $100 per month, starting from January 1, 2023.
- At the start of the new month, on February 1, the customer upgrades to a new monthly Gold plan.
- Your monthly Gold plan is $250 per month.
Add the following details as an invoice line item:
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400001 (Wayne Enterprises) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $250 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_01 |
Service Period Start | 2023-02-01 |
Service Period End | 2023-03-01 |
Prorated? | No |
Plan | JL Gold Monthly (jlgoldmonthly) |
- Total MRR = $250
- MRR movement = $150
Switching plans (prorated)
- Your customer Daily Metropolis is currently on a monthly Bronze plan with a charge of $100 per month.
- At the start of the new month, on June 1, 2023, they renew their monthly Bronze plan.
- In the middle of the month, on June 16, the customer upgrades to a new monthly Gold plan (prorated upgrade for the remaining 15 days in the billing cycle).
- Your monthly Bronze plan is $100 per month, and your monthly Gold plan is $250 per month.
- You charge the customer a prorated amount of $125 and credit $50 for the unused time in the Bronze plan.
Add the following details as two separate invoice line items:
Invoice line item 1
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400005 (Daily Metropolis) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | −$50 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_02 |
Service Period Start | 2023-06-16 |
Service Period End | 2023-07-01 |
Prorated? | Yes |
Plan | JL Bronze Monthly (jlbronzemonthly) |
Invoice line item 2
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400005 (Daily Metropolis) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $125 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_02 |
Service Period Start | 2023-06-16 |
Service Period End | 2023-07-01 |
Prorated? | Yes |
Plan | JL Gold Monthly (jlgoldmonthly) |
Quantity | 1 |
MRR for prorated line items is calculated using the following formula:
- MRR = Amount × Subscription duration ratio × Prorate factor
Learn how ChartMogul calculates the subscription duration ratio and prorate factor.
- The amount for this prorated charge is $125, so MRR for the line item = $125 × 1 × 2 = $250.
- Since this prorated charge is for a plan change, the new MRR of the subscription is simply the MRR from the new Gold plan ($250).
- MRR movement after this charge = $150.
Adding a one-time purchase
- Your customer Omega Vision is charged a non-recurring setup fee of $100, which includes a tax of $6.
- The transaction fee is $2.
Add the following details as an invoice line item:
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400006 (Omega Vision) |
Type | Non-recurring |
Amount | $100 |
Description | Setup fees |
Transaction Fees | $2 |
Tax Amount | $6 |
- MRR is not affected.
Non-recurring invoice line items do not contribute to MRR but they do impact your cash flow metrics.
Adding a refund
- Your customer Omega Vision buys a license of your monthly Bronze plan for March, starting from March 1, 2023.
- Your monthly Bronze plan is $100.
- The customer makes a payment on March 1, 2023.
- On March 5, 2023, they realize they no longer need the plan.
- As per your refund policy, you issue a full refund on the same day, though the customer can continue to use the services until April 1, 2023.
Add the following details as an invoice line item:
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400007 (Omega Vision) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $100 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_03 |
Service Period Start | 2023-03-01 |
Service Period End | 2023-04-01 |
Prorated? | No |
Plan | JL Bronze Monthly (jlbronzemonthly) |
Add the following details in the Transactions tab:
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400019 (Omega Vision) |
Type | Refund |
Result | Successful |
Date | 2023-03-05 |
Transaction ID | trans_id_04 |
To cancel the customer subscription permanently and churn the customer, go to the Subscriptions tab and cancel the subscription.
- After the cancellation, the current MRR is set to zero.
Adding a subscription with multiple components
- Your customer East Adventure buys a subscription with multiple components (a monthly Bronze plan and a monthly Gold plan), starting from March 1, 2023.
- Your monthly Bronze plan is $100.
- Your monthly Gold plan is $250.
Add the following details as two separate invoice line items:
Invoice line item 1
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400008 (East Adventure) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $100 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_04 |
Subscription Set ID | jl_subsetid_01 |
Service Period Start | 2023-03-01 |
Service Period End | 2023-04-01 |
Prorated? | No |
Plan | JL Bronze Monthly (jlbronzemonthly) |
Invoice line item 2
Attribute | Value |
Invoice | JL_FG_13400008 (Barry Allen) |
Type | Subscription |
Amount | $250 |
Subscription ID | jl_subid_05 |
Subscription Set ID | jl_subsetid_01 |
Service Period Start | 2023-03-01 |
Service Period End | 2023-04-01 |
Prorated? | No |
Plan | JL Gold Monthly (jlgoldmonthly) |
All invoice line items that are part of a subscription with multiple components should have the same Subscription Set ID. Learn more about subscriptions with multiple components.
- Total MRR = $350