Working with placeholders

Placeholders allow you to dynamically insert user, customer and contact data stored in ChartMogul into your emails and email templates. Once you’ve added a placeholder, ChartMogul populates email drafts with data from your account.

For example, this is how placeholders appear in an email template compared to a drafted email:

Illustration comparing an example email template with a resulting email draft. The placeholders for the contact’s first name, user name and customer name in the template are replaced with corresponding data in the draft.

Here’s what we cover in this article:

Using placeholders in an email template

Use placeholders when creating an email template to save time and ensure consistent messaging:

  1. Navigate to Settings & Data > Manage > Email Templates.
  2. Create a template.
  3. Click the curly brackets icon and select a placeholder from the list.
    Screenshot of the Insert placeholder dropdown with a search box and list of available placeholders.
  4. ChartMogul inserts the corresponding placeholder code into your template. For example, {{ customer.country_name }} stands for the customer’s country or region.
  5. Optionally, type a default statement after “fallback=” that ChartMogul can use when the corresponding information is missing. For example, {{ customer.country_name,fallback=your country }}.

Screencap of the process of adding a placeholder into an email template.

Let’s say your template uses the Contact / First Name placeholder to address a recipient by their first name with “Customer” as the fallback:

Dear {{ contact.first_name, fallback=Customer }},

When you select this template to email Samantha Smith, ChartMogul replaces the text with:

Dear Samantha,

When sending emails to multiple contacts, ChartMogul populates the template with the first recipient’s data.

When ChartMogul can’t find the contact’s first name, it uses the fallback:

Dear Customer,

Using placeholders when drafting an email

To use a placeholder when composing an email:

  1. Navigate to a customer record.
  2. Draft an email.
  3. Click the curly brackets icon and select a placeholder from the list.
  4. ChartMogul inserts the placeholder data. For example, it replaces the Customer / Name placeholder with the company’s name.

Screencap of the process of using a placeholder when composing an email.

Available placeholders

ChartMogul provides placeholders for users, customers, contacts and custom attributes.





User / Name

{{ }}

The sender’s full name.

User / Email Address

{{ }}

The sender’s email address.





Customer / Name

{{ }}

The name of the company (if the customer is a business).

Customer / City

{{ }}

The company’s city.

Customer / State Abbreviation

{{ customer.state }}

The company’s state abbreviation in the US.

Customer / State Name

{{ customer.state_name }}

The company’s state in the US.

Customer / Postal Code

{{ customer.zip_code }}

The company’s postal code.

Customer / Country Code

{{ }}

The company’s country or region code

Customer / Country Name

{{ customer.country_name }}

The company’s country or region.





Contact / First Name

{{ contact.first_name }}

The recipient’s first name.

Contact / Last Name

{{ contact.last_name }}

The recipient’s last name.

Contact / Full Name

{{ }}

The recipient’s full name.

Contact / Title

{{ contact.title }}

The recipient’s title.

Contact / Email Address

{{ }}

The recipient’s email address.

Contact / Phone Number

{{ }}

The recipient’s phone number.

Custom attributes




Customer / Marketing_channel

{{ customer.custom.Marketing_channel }}

A custom attribute you’ve added to the company.

Customer / hubspot.industry

{{ customer.hubspot.industry }}

A custom attribute imported from an integration.

Contact / NPS_score

{{ contact.custom.NPS_score }}

A custom attribute you’ve added to the contact.

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