Forecast Category Report

You'll need to have a ChartMogul CRM seat to view this report.

Forecast Category Report is an overview of new MRR in each forecast category by opportunity owner.

Forecast Category Report

This report is most useful for sales leadership, who can use the forecast to:

  • Manage their team’s qualified sales pipeline
  • Analyze trends in their team’s performance
  • Identify and solve for gaps in sales processes and resources

ChartMogul offers three main forecast categories:

  • Total Pipeline — early stage opportunities with a low likelihood of closing in the current forecast period.
  • Total Best Case — opportunities with a demonstrated need for your product or service that have a good chance of closing by their close date.
  • Total Committed — highly qualified opportunities with a high chance of closing by their close date.


Forecast Category Report forecasts the amount of new MRR in each forecast category by opportunity owner. It helps sales leaders manage and analyze their team’s pipeline and performance.

Before you begin

Reading a Forecast Category Report

Access the Forecast Category Report by navigating to Opportunities > Forecasts > Forecast Category Report.

The report is a snapshot of the opportunity MRR for each forecast category by opportunity owner.

Each column is a month.

Each row is an opportunity owner.

Each cell shows the total opportunity MRR belonging to each opportunity owner in the month.

Chart Notes

  • Only opportunities with the Value type MRR contribute to this chart. One-time opportunities are excluded.
  • The Total row in each month is the same as the Total row in the Deal Stage Probability Forecast.

Configuring your forecast

Use the Month Ending date picker to choose how far into the future you’d like to see.

Use the Sales pipeline drop-down to display data for a specific sales pipeline or All sales pipelines.

Select Include won opportunities to display an additional category, Total Won.

The month of an opportunity’s Estimated Close is the month it contributes to in the report.

Select a cell to view open opportunities for that month in the Opportunities table.

Export the forecast as CSV by clicking Export (CSV).

Next Steps

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