HubSpot integration guide

ChartMogul has an integration with HubSpot to import companies and contacts to create leads for ChartMogul CRM.

Learn more about other import methods for Subscription Analytics and CRM.

Here’s what we cover in this article:


The following table provides details on key aspects of how ChartMogul integrates with HubSpot.

Customer import event ChartMogul imports customers as per your Create company in ChartMogul when setting.
Leads Select the Lead Created At field under Companies (Leads) to import lead dates from HubSpot. Learn more about tracking leads and trials.
Free trials ChartMogul does not import free trial dates from HubSpot. Learn more about tracking leads and trials.
Contacts ChartMogul imports contacts as per your Create company in ChartMogul when setting.
Custom attributes ChartMogul imports custom HubSpot properties and most default HubSpot properties as custom attributes. Learn more.
Historical data When you add HubSpot as a source, ChartMogul imports the existing data you choose to sync.
Reviewing data in-app Once imported, ChartMogul gives you visibility into your customer and contact data as it exists in our platform through a series of data tables. To view these tables, navigate to Settings & Data > Sources, then select the source you want to view.
Update frequency Hourly updates for default and custom HubSpot properties. Learn more.
Maintained by This integration is built and maintained by ChartMogul. Contact our support team for assistance.

Before you begin

Set up an automation to automatically merge customers imported from HubSpot with matching customers imported from your billing system. This way you’ll avoid creating duplicate customer records.

Connecting HubSpot to ChartMogul

Setting up a source

  1. In ChartMogul, navigate to Settings & Data > Sources and click Add Source.
  2. Make sure the Customer / Contact / Enrichment data tab is selected and click HubSpot.
    Screenshot of the Select a Source type dialog with the Account/Contact/Enrichment data tab selected. HubSpot is highlighted.

  3. Enter the Name for your source.
  4. Click Connect with Hubspot.
    Screenshot of the HubSpot Data Source dialog showing the location of the Connect with HubSpot button.
  5. In HubSpot, select your account and click Connect app.

Syncing data

  1. Select the company and contact properties you’d like to sync to ChartMogul:
    • Companies (Leads) (required) — Click Select Fields to choose the properties you want to import. The list will also include custom properties available in your HubSpot account. See the list of available company properties.
    • Contacts (required) — Click Select Fields to choose the properties you want to import. The list will also include custom properties available in your HubSpot account. See the list of available contact properties.
    • Company Notes (optional) — Select this field to import HubSpot notes into customer records.
      Screenshot of the Select data to sync to ChartMogul setting.
  2. Configure Create company in ChartMogul when to determine when you’d like ChartMogul to create a company (customer record):
    • The email or UserID is created — When a user is created in HubSpot (who is not attached to a company), ChartMogul imports them and creates a customer record. For example, an email newsletter subscriber.
    • A user is added to a company — When a user is attached to a company in HubSpot, ChartMogul imports the company and creates a customer record. For example, when selling to a lead who is part of a business. Individual users are not imported (until they are attached to a company).
      Screenshot of the Create company in ChartMogul when setting.
  3. Click Start Import to connect HubSpot to ChartMogul and start importing your data.
    Screenshot of the HubSpot Data Source dialog showing the location of the Start Import button.

The import can take some time, depending on the number of customers. After the import has concluded, ChartMogul will update hourly with any new updates from HubSpot for default and custom properties. When a customer is deleted in HubSpot, ChartMogul retains their customer record.

Manually re-syncing data

Here’s how to re-sync data when needed:

  1. Within ChartMogul, navigate to Settings & Data > Sources.
  2. Find your HubSpot source and click the Settings   icon.
  3. Click Update Fields to import new custom fields or modify the Create company in ChartMogul when setting.
    Screenshot showing the location of the Update Fields buttons.
  4. Click Re-sync Data and Fields.
    Screenshot showing the location of the Re-sync Data and Fields button.

ChartMogul imports the selected fields as custom attributes or updates ChartMogul fields such as a customer’s website or a contact’s first and last name. Learn more.

Deleting HubSpot as a source

Deleting a source is permanent and cannot be undone.

Before deleting a source, please note the following:

  • All data from this source will be irrevocably removed from ChartMogul. Some deleted data may still be visible in ChartMogul for a few minutes.
  • All MRR adjustments and connected subscriptions will be lost.
  • If this source contains a merged customer, ChartMogul uses data from the non-deleted source for the customer’s record. The record may display data overwritten during the merge, and not the customer’s details at the time of import. Learn more about unmerging customers.

To delete a HubSpot source, navigate to Settings & Data > Sources. Find the source in the list and click the Settings   icon. From there, click Delete This Source.

Screenshot showing the location of the Delete This Source button.

Next Steps

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