How do I convert CSV files to the UTF-8 encoded format?

ChartMogul only accepts UTF-8 encoded CSV files. Learn how to convert CSV files to this format using Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.

Converting CSV using Google Sheets

To convert a CSV file to the UTF-8 encoded format using Google Sheets:

  1. Navigate to File > Open > Upload and drag and drop your CSV file.
  2. Select File > Download > Comma Separated Values (.csv).
  3. Find a location on your drive and click Save.

Google Sheets saves the content of the current sheet as a UTF-8 encoded CSV file.

Converting CSV using Microsoft Excel

To convert a CSV file to the UTF-8 encoded format using Microsoft Excel:

  1. Navigate to File > Open > Browse.
  2. From the drop-down of file types, select Text Files (*.prn;*.txt;*.csv).
  3. Navigate to the location of your file, select the file, and click Open.
  4. Go to File > Save As > Browse.
  5. From the Save as type drop-down, select CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv).
  6. Find a location on your drive and click Save.

Excel saves the content of the current sheet as a UTF-8 encoded CSV file.

Once complete, upload your data using flexible CSV import or structured CSV import.

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