Customizing dashboards

You’ll need to be a Staff, Admin, or Owner in ChartMogul to customize personal and shared dashboards. Read-only users can only customize their personal dashboards.

ChartMogul comes with a set of default dashboards for your teams: Home, Sales, SaaS Metrics, Marketing, Customer Success, and Finance. The default dashboards you see depend on the preferred use case you choose when creating an account.

Customize the dashboards by adding, rearranging, editing, and removing reports so that each team has easy access to their most important charts, lists, and metrics. Or, create your own dashboards.

Watch a video about customizing dashboards:

Here’s what we cover in this article:

Adding reports to a dashboard

To add a report to a dashboard:

  1. Switch to the dashboard you want to customize.
  2. Click the Add a report to this dashboard   button on the dashboard.
    Screenshot of a dashboard highlighting the Add a report to this dashboard button.
  3. Select the Report you want to add:
    • Default Charts: One of ChartMogul’s default reports
    • Saved Charts: A saved chart shared with the team
    • Saved Charts (Just me): A personal saved chart
    • Saved Customer Lists: A saved customer list shared with the team
    • Saved Customer Lists (Just me): A personal saved customer list
    • Saved Opportunity Lists: A saved opportunity list shared with the team
    • Saved Opportunity Lists (Just me): A personal saved opportunity list
  4. Configure additional options depending on the report type.
  5. Click ADD, and the report will be added to the dashboard.
    Screenshot of the Add Report dialog highlighting the Add button.

Additional options

When adding a report to a dashboard, configure additional settings depending on the report type:

Common charts

Specify the Type: either the current value (Metric) or a mini-graph (Metric + chart).

If you’ve selected Metric + chart:

  1. Define the Date range for chart. Set a number of Previous days, weeks, months, etc., or a Fixed start date.
  2. Choose the Chart intervals (Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years).
  3. Under Visualization, choose Line or Bar.

Screenshot of the Add Report dialog highlighting the options described here.

Activity Overview

Select up to four types of Activities to show:

  • Emails sent
  • Calls
  • Opportunities added
  • Tasks completed
  • Notes

Screenshot of the Add Report dialog highlighting the Activities section with a list of checkboxes as described here.

Forecast Category Report and Sales Leaderboard

Under Pipeline, select a sales pipeline.

Screenshot of the Add Report dialog highlighting the Pipeline dropdown.

Pipeline Created and Value of Won Opportunities

  1. Under Pipeline, select a sales pipeline or (for the Value of Won Opportunities report) All pipelines.
  2. Define the Date range for chart. Set a number of Previous days, weeks, months, etc., or a Fixed start date.
  3. Choose the Chart intervals (Months or Quarters).

Screenshot of the Add Report dialog highlighting the options described here.

Quarterly Sales Target

  1. Under Pipeline, select a sales pipeline or All pipelines.
  2. Enter the Target amount.

Screenshot of the Add Report dialog highlighting the Pipeline drop-down and the Target field.

Saved customer and opportunity lists

Select the number of columns to show (2–4). The order and sorting of columns will be the same as in your saved list.

Screenshot of the Add Report dialog highlighting the dropdown to specify the number of columns to show.

Rearranging reports on a dashboard

To rearrange the reports on a dashboard:

  1. Switch to the dashboard you want to customize. 
  2. Click the Settings   icon next to the dashboard’s name.
  3. Select Edit dashboard layout.
    Screenshot of a dashboard drop-down with the Edit dashboard layout option highlighted.
  4. Drag and drop your reports until you’re happy with the layout.
  5. Click SAVE to apply your changes.

Screencap of the user rearranging a dashboard as described here.

Editing dashboard reports

To edit an existing report:

  1. Switch to the dashboard that contains the report.
  2. Click the Settings   icon next to the dashboard’s name.
  3. Select Edit dashboard layout.
  4. Click Edit on the report you want to update.
  5. Adjust any settings and click Update.
    Screenshot of the Edit Report dialog highlighting the Update button.
  6. Click Save to apply your changes.

Removing reports from a dashboard

To remove a report from a dashboard:

  1. Switch to the dashboard you want to customize.
  2. Click the Settings   icon next to the dashboard’s name.
  3. Select Edit dashboard layout.
  4. Click Delete on a report and confirm by clicking OK
  5. Click Save to apply your change.

Screencap of the user deleting a report from the Dashboard as described in the text

Available dashboard reports

Here’s a list of default reports you can display on your dashboards.

Subscription Analytics reports

These reports are available with Subscription Analytics.

Report name Description
Annual Run Rate

The current Annual Run Rate, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.

Screenshot of an Annual Run Rate dashboard report.

Average Order Value The current Average Order Value, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Average Revenue Per Account The current Average Revenue Per Account, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Average Sale Price The current Average Sale Price, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Average Sales Cycle Length The current Average Sales Cycle Length, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Average Spend Per Customer The current Average Spend Per Customer, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Customer Churn Rate

The current Customer Churn Rate, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.

Screenshot of a Customer Churn Rate dashboard report.

Customer Lifetime Value The current Customer Lifetime Value, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Failed Transactions The current number of Failed Transactions, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Free Trials The current number of Free Trials, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Gross Cash Flow The current Gross Cash Flow, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Gross MRR Churn Rate The current Gross MRR Churn Rate, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Gross MRR Retention A bar or line chart showing Gross MRR Retention over time.
Leads The current number of Leads, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.

The current Monthly Recurring Revenue, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.

Screenshot of an MRR dashboard report.

MRR Breakdown

The number and value of MRR movements (New Business, Expansion, Contraction, Churn, and Reactivation) as well as the net MRR movement and scheduled MRR movements in a given period. Use the drop-down to change the period (e.g., This month or Last week).

Screenshot of an MRR Breakdown dashboard report highlighting the drop-down to change the time period.

MRR Movements

A bar or line chart showing MRR Movements over time.

Screenshot of an MRR Movements dashboard report.

Net Cash Flow The current Net Cash Flow, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Net MRR Churn Rate The current Net MRR Churn Rate, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Net MRR Retention A bar or line chart showing Net MRR Retention over time.
Non-Recurring Cash Flow The current Non-Recurring Cash Flow, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Non-Subscription Customers The current Non-Subscription Customers, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Quantity Churn Rate The current Quantity Churn Rate, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Refunds The current amount of Refunds, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Subscribers The current number of Subscribers, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Subscription Quantity The current Subscription Quantity, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Subscriptions The current number of Subscriptions, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Successful Payments The current number of Successful Payments, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.
Trial-to-Paid Conversion Rate The current Trial-to-Paid Conversion Rate, its percentage change in the last 30 days, and optionally, a bar or line chart showing changes over time.

CRM reports

These reports are available with ChartMogul CRM.

Report name Description
Activity Overview

The number of activities performed by each user in a given week. When adding the report to a dashboard, choose up to four activity types: emails sent, calls, opportunities added, tasks completed, and notes. Click < and > to switch between weeks.

Screenshot of an Activity Overview dashboard report.

Forecast Category Report

Forecast Category Report (an overview of new MRR in each forecast category) for a selected pipeline in a given quarter. Click < and > to switch between quarters.

Screenshot of a Forecast Category Report on a dashboard.

Pipeline Created

A bar chart showing the total number of opportunities created in a given time interval by value and current stage. Analyze pipeline created over time to understand how well your team generates new opportunities.

Screenshot of a Pipeline Created dashboard report.

Quarterly Sales Target

The quarterly sales target you’ve set for all pipelines or a selected pipeline, a progress bar showing how much of the goal you’ve achieved, and time left in a quarter. Click < and > to switch between quarters.

Screenshot of an MRR Movements dashboard report.

Sales Leaderboard

A ranking of salespeople with the highest value of won and committed deals in a selected pipeline in a given quarter. Click < and > to switch between quarters.

Screenshot of a Sales Leaderboard dashboard report.

Value of Won Opportunities

A bar chart showing the total value of opportunities won in a given time interval for all pipelines or a selected pipeline.

Screenshot of an MRR Movements dashboard report.

Next Steps

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