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Refunds charts the total transaction amount of successful refunds over time.
Refunds charts the total transaction amount of successful refunds over time.
Chart Notes
- Transaction fees are not deducted from the transaction amount.
ChartMogul calculates Refunds as the total transaction amount from successful transactions where cash has been returned to the customer and applied to an invoice.
Chart Data
The Chart Data table for Refunds works differently than other charts. It provides the following breakdown:
- Refunds — The total transaction amount of all refunds in the report interval.
- Change — The increase or decrease in Refunds from the previous report interval, shown as a percentage.
Select a Refunds cell to see a list of customers with the amount they were refunded in the report interval.
Download all paid invoices for the reporting period by clicking Detailed Export (CSV) above Chart Data. Learn more.
Next Steps
- Monitor failed transactions as part of your churn prevention and accounts receivable efforts.
- Use segmentation to view successful payments for specific groups of customers.