Customer lists

Customer lists are saved views of customer groups that are useful to your business. Share saved customer lists with your team or export them for use in other systems.

Customer lists help you group customers, such as:

  • Recent conversions
  • Past-due subscribers in North America
  • Churned customers sorted by net payments

View saved customer lists in the Customers sidebar.

Screenshot of the Customers sidebar showing saved lists, including new customers from the last 7 days, American customers, and European customers

Here’s what we cover in this article:

Before you begin

  • Review the permissions for your user role to understand if you can view, create, or manage customer lists.
  • Add any custom attributes that are relevant to your business.
  • To analyze your customer list or create a customer group, you’ll need to use segmentation. Learn more about working with segmentation.
  • Review the default saved customer lists to see if they’re suitable for the needs of your business before creating a customer list.

Creating and saving customer lists

Organize your customer lists into folders.

To create and save a customer list:

  1. Navigate to Customers.
  2. Make edits to the table:
    1. Apply filters and segments to create the list.
    2. To customize the list, add, remove, or reorder columns, or, sort the list.
  3. Click Save List.
  4. Name your list. ChartMogul accepts up to 255 Unicode characters, including emojis.
  5. Choose who can view this list:
    • Just me — A list for personal use.
    • Users with a CRM seat — Users who have been assigned a ChartMogul CRM seat.
    • Entire team — All users, with the exception of Lite users.
  6. Click Save.

ChartMogul creates your saved customer list and adds it to the sidebar.

Screenshot of the Save List dialog. The Name field says Monghly plan subscribers with the calendar emoji. The Available for field has three options to select from: Just me, Users with a CRM seat, and Entire team. There are Cancel and Save buttons at the bottom.

Adding or removing columns

Choose from a list of default columns as well as custom attributes.

To add or remove columns:

  1. Click Edit Columns.
  2. Select the columns you want to add or remove.
    Screenshot of the Select Columns menu with a search field and various options to choose from, such as MRR, ARR, Plan, or Billing Cycle. There are Cancel and Apply buttons at the bottom.
  3. Click Apply to update the customer list.

Reordering columns

To reorder the table columns, click and hold a column header, then drag it to a new position.

Screencap of the user moving a column in a customer list by clicking its header and dragging the column to a new position.

Sorting a list

ChartMogul allows lists to be sorted using only select columns. Review the list of sortable columns.

To sort the table by a specific column, click the column header. Click again to reverse the sorting order.

Screencap of the user sorting columns by clicking their headers

Here’s an example list of top customers by ARR showing a few select columns:

Screenshot of a custom customer list called Top customers by ARR, showing only six fields: Customer, Plan, Subscriber Since, Customer Status, ARR, and MRR. The list is sorted by ARR in descending order.

Bulk editing customers

You’ll need to be an Owner, Admin, or Staff to select and edit multiple customers. Read more about user roles and permissions.

To update details for multiple customers at one time, use the checkboxes in customer rows to select multiple customers and click Edit Selected. Learn more.

Screenshot of a user selecting multiple users, editing a custom attribute in a dialog, then clicking Update and Confirm.

Reordering saved lists

Drag and drop saved lists to change their order. Hover over a customer list, click the hamburger   icon, and drag the list to a new position.

Screencap of the Customer Lists sidebar. The user moves a list in the Saved Lists section by hovering over the list, clicking the hamburger icon, and dragging the list to a new position.

Exporting a customer list

ChartMogul gives you the option to export the following datasets to CSV:

  • Customers
  • Subscriptions
  • MRR per customer per month

Learn more about exporting customers, subscriptions, and MRR per customer per month.

Updating a customer list

To update a saved customer list:

  1. Locate the list you want to update in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over the list and click the Settings   icon.
  3. Change the list’s name, save option, or availability.
    Screenshot of the Update List dialog. The Name field says Monthly plan subscribers. The Save option field has two options to select from: Save changes to Monthly plan subscribers and Create new list. The Available for field has three options to select from: Just me, Users with a CRM seat, and Entire team. At the bottom, there is a link saying Delete List next to Cancel and Save buttons.
  4. Click Save to apply your changes.

Deleting a customer list

This action is permanent and cannot be undone. If you delete a customer list shared with your team, it will be deleted for all team members.

To delete a saved customer list:

  1. Locate the list you want to delete in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over the list and click the Settings   icon.
  3. Click Delete List.
    Screenshot of the Update List dialog. The Name field says Monthly plan subscribers. The Save option field has two options to select from: Save changes to Monthly plan subscribers and Create new list. The Available for field has three options to select from: Just me, Users with a CRM seat, and Entire team. At the bottom, there is a link saying Delete List next to Cancel and Save buttons.
  4. Click OK to permanently delete the customer list.

Available columns

Here’s the list of default columns you can include in customer lists. Note that some columns aren’t sortable.

ChartMogul allows you to sort a customer list using custom attributes.

Column name Description Sortable?
Customer The customer’s name. Either the company name or the name of the primary contact. Yes
Company Name The name of the customer’s company if the customer is a business and not an individual. Yes
Owner The user who is responsible for the customer relationship. Yes
Full Name (legacy) On April 4, 2023 we released ChartMogul CRM, and this field will eventually be phased out. You can now add Contacts (each with their own name) to your customer records. Yes
Email (legacy) On April 4, 2023 we released ChartMogul CRM, and this field will eventually be phased out. You can now add Contacts (each with their own email address) to your customer records. Yes

Primary Contact Email

The email address of the customer’s primary contact. Yes
Website The URL of the customer’s website, starting with either “https://” or “http://”. If you provide the domain name only, such as “”, ChartMogul will add “https://” at the beginning. Yes
MRR The customer’s current monthly recurring revenue for active and past due subscriptions. Only available with Subscription Analytics. Yes
ARR The customer’s current annual run rate for active and past due subscriptions. Only available with Subscription Analytics. Yes
Plan The name of the customer’s plan. “Multiple” means the customer has more than one plan. Only available with Subscription Analytics. Yes
Billing Cycle The frequency with which the customer is paying you. “Multiple” means there’s more than one billing cycle associated with this customer. Yes
Net Payments The total amount of successful payments (minus refunds) the customer has made. Yes
Subscriber Since The date when the customer started their first subscription. Yes
Customer Status The customer’s current status, either the lead status assigned by a user or a status ChartMogul assigns based on the customer’s subscription. Yes
Currency The three-letter ISO code of the customer’s currency. “Multiple” means the customer is paying you in more than one currency. No
Location The customer’s location. Depending on your billing system, this can be the customer’s address or location data tied to their payment method. No
Country The customer’s country. Learn more about supported regions. No
Tags Tags added to this customer. No
Source Name The name of the repository within ChartMogul for the customer’s data: either an integration or a custom source. No
Lead Created At The date when the customer showed interest in your product/service. Learn more about tracking leads and trials. Yes
Free Trial Started At The date when the customer started a free trial of your product/service. Learn more about tracking leads and trials. Yes
Discount The discount amount granted to this customer. “Multiple” means that more than one discount is applied. Learn how ChartMogul handles customers with discounts. No
Next Payment The date when the customer is expected to make their next payment. Yes
Subscription Quantity The number of active subscription licenses or seats the customer has. Learn more about the Subscription Quantity chart. Yes
Contacts The number of contacts the customer has. Yes
Subscription IDs Unique identifiers of the customer’s subscriptions. “Multiple” means the customer has more than one subscription. No
ChartMogul ID An automatically generated unique ID. This value is permanent and cannot be changed. Yes
External IDs Unique identifiers from your billing system, such as a Billing System ID or Subscriber ID. No
Opportunities The number of opportunities associated with the customer. Yes
Last Active At The most recent date and time when one of the customer’s contacts was active. ChartMogul imports this information from Hubspot or Intercom. Yes
Last Communication At The date and time of your most recent communication with one of the customer’s contacts (email or logged call). The email must be sent to or from an account synced to ChartMogul. Yes
Last Email Sent To Customer At The most recent date and time when you sent an email to one of the customer’s contacts. The email must be sent from an account synced to ChartMogul. Yes
Last Email Received From Customer At The most recent date and time when one of the customer’s contacts sent you an email. The email must be sent to an account synced to ChartMogul. Yes
Last Payment The date and time of the customer’s most recent successful payment. Yes
Cancellation scheduled for The date and time of a scheduled cancellation of a customer’s last active subscription. Yes
Churned On The most recent churn date and time of a cancelled subscriber. If a customer is active (they churned and reactivated), this field is empty. Yes
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