Configuring Azure Blob Storage as a destination

You’ll need to be a Staff or Admin user in ChartMogul and Microsoft Azure to complete the steps outlined in this article. Read more about user roles and permissions.

Configure Microsoft Azure Blob Storage as one of ChartMogul’s advanced destinations to export MRR movements, customers, custom attributes, and tags. From there, you can send your data to a data warehouse and combine it with other datasets for further analysis.

Here’s what we cover in this article:

Resources and further reading:

Before you begin

Please review the following details before completing the steps outlined in this article.

  • You’ll need to prepare your Azure environment, which includes setting up your Subscription and Resource group. Please review the Azure setup guide.
  • You'll need to decide which format you'd like ChartMogul to send data, either as a gzip compressed CSV (according to RFC4180) or using the parquet data storage format (with Snappy compression).

Step 1 — Create an Azure storage account

  1. Within Microsoft Azure, navigate to Storage accounts.
  2. Click + Create.
  3. Select the Subscription and Resource group you’ll be using for ChartMogul.
  4. Enter a name for the storage account, e.g., ChartMogul, in the Storage account name field.
  5. Choose where you’d like to store your data by selecting the location from the Region drop-down.
  6. Complete any additional setup options you may need, then click Create to begin deploying your storage account.

Step 2 — Create a Blob container

  1. Once your storage account deployment is complete, click Go to resource.
  2. Navigate to Storage browser (preview) > Blob containers.
  3. Click + Add container.
  4. Enter a name for the container in the Name field and click Create.

Step 3 — Access your keys

  1. Within your storage account, navigate to Security + networking > Access keys.
  2. Click Show keys.
  3. Copy the Connection string to your clipboard.

Step 4 — Add Azure Blob Storage as a destination

Finally, add your Microsoft Azure Blob Storage as a destination in ChartMogul.

  1. With ChartMogul, navigate to Settings & Data > Destinations.
  2. Click Add Destination and select Azure Blob Storage.
  3. Enter a unique name for your destination in the Name field.
  4. Choose how often you’d like ChartMogul to export data to your container, either:
    • Daily (9:00 UTC each day)
    • Weekly (9:00 UTC each Sunday), or
    • Monthly (9:00 UTC on the first day of each month)
  5. Choose the datasets you'd like to export: Screenshot of the Add a Destination dialog with some of Datasets selected.
  6. Choose the file type you'd like to export, either:
    • Parquet or
    • CSV
  7. Enter the name of your container as it appears on your Azure account in the Container Name field.
  8. Enter the connection string you copied in step 3 in the Connection String field.
  9. Click Save and Test Connection.

ChartMogul will send test data and, if successful, add your Azure Blob Storage container as a new destination. ChartMogul will send actual data to Azure Blob Storage with the next scheduled export depending on your Update Frequency setting.

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