Configuring Intercom as a destination

You’ll need to be a Staff or Admin in ChartMogul and an Admin in Intercom to complete the steps outlined in this article. Read more about user roles and permissions.

Configure Intercom as one of ChartMogul’s standard destinations to export customer data. From there, send personalized and targeted messages as part of your marketing, onboarding, and retention efforts.

Here’s what we cover in this article:

Resources and further reading:

Before you begin

Before completing the steps we outline in this article, please read each section to familiarize yourself with how ChartMogul integrates with Intercom.

  • Decide how ChatMogul should match customers with contacts in Intercom, which may include familiarizing yourself with:
    • How your customer data is pushed into or populated within Intercom.
    • The External ID ChartMogul has imported from your billing system(s) and whether any contact attributes in Intercom store the External ID.
  • Familiarize yourself with and decide which customer data elements you’d like ChartMogul to send to contacts in Intercom.

How this integration works

Each day at 9 am Central European Time, ChartMogul sends customer data to contacts in Intercom. Contacts are matched using either email address or External ID.

Sending data

ChartMogul sends one or more of the following customer data elements to contacts in Intercom:

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) — The customer’s current monthly recurring revenue.
  • Annual Run Rate (ARR) — The customer’s current annual run rate.
  • Net Payments — The customer’s total amount of successful transactions.
  • Subscriber Since — The date the customer became an Active Subscriber.
  • Customer Status — The customer’s classification based on their subscription history. Learn more.
  • Plan — The name of the plan the customer is subscribed to.
  • Plan External ID — The unique identifier for the plan, typically from your billing system.
  • External ID — The unique identifier for the customer, typically from your billing system.
  • Email — The customer’s email address.
  • Currency Code — The ISO code for the customer’s billing currency, e.g., USD or EUR.
  • Currency Symbol — The customer’s billing currency sign, e.g., $ or €.
  • Last Updated — The date the customer was last updated in ChartMogul.
  • Customer Record Link — A URL to the customer’s record in ChartMogul.

Contact matching

Review the following information carefully, as it’s not possible to reconfigure how contacts are matched after setup (without deleting and creating a new destination).

ChartMogul matches customers to contacts in Intercom using either:

  • Email — ChartMogul matches customers with contacts using the customer’s email address. A match occurs when a contact in Intercom has the same email address as a customer in ChartMogul.
  • External ID — ChartMogul matches customers with contacts using the customer’s External ID. Choosing External ID in the ChartMogul Field allows you to select one or more attributes in the Intercom Field for contact matching. A match occurs when any of a contact’s attributes in Intercom is the same as any of a customer’s External ID(s) in ChartMogul.

Adding Intercom as a destination

  1. Navigate to Settings & Data > Destinations.
  2. Click Add Destination.
  3. Select Intercom.
  4. Enter a unique name for your destination in the Name field, then click Next.
  5. Authenticate by clicking Connect With Intercom. You’ll then be redirected to your Intercom account, where you’ll be asked to Authorize access.
  6. Next, under Configure Contact Matching, select the data elements ChartMogul should use to match customers with contacts using the ChartMogul Field and the Intercom Field.
  7. Under Select Data to Sync, select the data elements you’d like ChartMogul to send to each contact it matches in Intercom.
    Screenshot of the Select Data to Sync section with a list of available data elements to send to Intercom.
  8. Click Save .

Each day at 9 am Central European Time, ChartMogul will send the customer data element(s) you’ve selected to matching contacts in Intercom.

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