Configuring Slack as a destination

You’ll need to be a Staff, Admin, or Owner in ChartMogul to complete the steps outlined in this article. Slack updates are available with Subscription Analytics.

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To easily share company updates with your entire team, configure Slack as one of ChartMogul’s standard destinations to send real-time MRR updates as well as daily, weekly, and monthly MRR recaps (summaries) to Slack.

Watch a video about configuring Slack updates:

Resources and further reading:

Before you begin

Please review the following details before completing the steps outlined in this article.

  • ChartMogul sends updates to public and private Slack channels.
  • ChartMogul sends either real-time MRR updates or daily/weekly/monthly summaries of your MRR movements to Slack.
  • With real-time updates, ChartMogul sends each MRR movement to Slack, including any custom attributes you've configured, as they occur.
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly summaries show the net impact of all MRR movements within the period as well as the largest MRR gains and losses.
  • ChartMogul doesn’t send updates for MRR movements below 0.5% of the total MRR or five cents (pence, centavos, etc.).

Data included in real-time and daily updates

ChartMogul generates an MRR movement when it receives data from your integration. When your integration has a delay of 12 hours (or more) importing data, ChartMogul does not consider the MRR movement real-time and does not trigger a real-time Slack notification. Such delays may cause ChartMogul to generate MRR movements after a daily notification is sent, therefore excluding these updates from the summary.

App Store Connect and Google Play integrations import subscription-related data once every 24 hours. When using these integrations, real-time and daily notifications may not include all MRR movements. MRR movements excluded from Slack notifications are still visible in Chart Data, customer records and your billing system.

Adding Slack as a destination

  1. Navigate to Settings & Data > Destinations.
  2. Click Add Destination and select Slack.
    Screenshot of the Select a type of Destination dialog with the Slack option highlighted.
  3. Enter a unique name for your destination in the Name field, then click Next.
  4. Authenticate by clicking Connect Slack. You’ll then be redirected to your Slack account, where you’ll be asked to Allow access to your Slack workspace.
  5. Choose how often you’d like ChartMogul to send MRR updates to Slack, either:
    • Real-time,
    • Daily (9:00 UTC each day),
    • Weekly (9:00 UTC each Monday), or
    • Monthly (9:00 UTC on the first day of each month).

    Screenshot of the Update Frequency field with the Daily option selected.

  6. Select or type the names of Slack channel(s) you’d like ChartMogul to use when sharing updates. By default, only public channels appear in the drop-down. To use a private channel:
    • Navigate to the channel you want to use and type @ChartMogul in the message field.

    • Send the message. You'll receive a Slackbot message to invite a ChartMogul bot user to this channel. Click Invite Them.

    Screenshot of the Slack channels field with two channels selected.

  7. For real-time updates:
    • Configure any Custom attributes ChartMogul should include in the messages it shares to Slack.
    • Set a threshold to have ChartMogul only Send messages for movements over the specified amount of MRR.
    • Under Send messages for, select All to share all MRR movements or limit your updates to any combination of New Business, Expansion, Contraction, Churn, and Reactivation.
      Screenshot of the Send messages for section with New Business, Churn, and Reactivation selected.
  8. Click Save.

ChartMogul will begin sharing MRR updates to the channels you’ve selected based on the frequency you’ve chosen. To send updates at multiple frequencies, add multiple Slack destinations.

Editing Slack as a destination

  1. Navigate to Settings & Data > Destinations.
  2. Locate the Slack destination you'd like to update and click the Settings   icon.
  3. In the setup modal, make any changes as needed.
  4. Click Save.

ChartMogul will share MRR updates based on the changes you’ve made.

Deleting Slack as a destination

To delete a Slack destination, navigate to Settings & Data > Destinations. Find your destination in the list and click the Settings   icon. From there, click Delete.

ChartMogul will stop sending the MRR updates configured as part of this destination.

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