Chart: MRR Movements

This chart is available with Subscription Analytics. If you’re new to ChartMogul, get to know how charts work.

MRR Movements provides a visual representation of how your MRR has developed over time. MRR Movements for each period are stacked vertically and color-coded (blue and pink) to show where you’re gaining and losing MRR based on movement type.

Screenshot of the MRR Movements chart showing monthly MRR movements as vertically stacked bands. New Business, Expansion, and Reactivation are blue. Contraction and Churn are pink. A tool tip points to the Churn MRR of one of the months. The tool tip shows the movement amount and the number of movements with percentage changes in parentheses as well as the date range.


MRR Movements provides a visual representation of how MRR has developed over time. MRR Movements are stacked vertically and color-coded to show where you’re gaining and losing MRR based on type.

Chart Notes

  • Each vertically-stacked band represents a specific MRR movement type. New Business, Expansion, and Reactivation are blue. Contraction and Churn are pink. Blue represents MRR growth and appears above $0. Pink represents the loss of MRR and appears below $0. MRR grew in a period when the combined height of the blue bands is greater than the pink.
  • Diagonally-striped bars include the current period (today) and, thus, are an estimate until the period is over.


ChartMogul totals the value of all MRR movements contributing to each movement type in the period.

Isolating movements

Click the eye   icon in the Chart Data table to configure the individual MRR movements visible in the chart. For example, create a chart showing only New Business, Expansion and Reactivation:

Screencap of the MRR Movements chart. In the Chart Data table, the user clicks the eye icons next to Contraction MRR and Churn MRR to hide both MRR movements from the graph

Optionally, click the Save this chart   button to create a saved version of the modified chart.

Chart Data

Click a cell in the Chart Data table to view the subscription activities for a movement. Click a Net MRR Movement cell to view all movements in a period.

Learn more about Chart Data.

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